The life and struggles of a notorious rock musician seeping into a pit of loneliness whose everyday life involves friends and family seeking...
Last Days
A teenage skateboarder becomes suspected of being connected with a security guard who suffered a brutal death in a skate park called "Paranoid Park".
Paranoid Park
A girl born with enormous thumbs in the repressive era of the 1950s learns to turn her quirks into assets.
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
A Seattle history professor, drawn back to his estranged family on the Oregon coast to execute his late mother's estate, is reacquainted with his...
In this loose adaptation of Shakespeare's "Henry IV," Mike Waters is a hustler afflicted with narcolepsy. Scott Favor is the rebellious son of a...
My Own Private Idaho
Behind-the-scenes documentary of Gus Van Sant's "Last Days."
The Making of Last Days
The story about three radical environmentalists coming together to execute the most intense protest of their lives: the explosion of a hydroelectric...
Night Moves