After being estranged from his Druze village and family for 17 years, Yoseph returns with his two Israeli, teenage children. His marriage to a Jewish...
Eid, a young man from Rahat, was sexually assaulted as a child and dreams of creating theater. When his parents arrange his marriage against his...
Set in the cloak-and-dagger world of the IDF’s undercover special forces - the Mista'arvim - Fauda is an Israeli-produced TV drama which has...
The Real Fauda
A squad of terrorists infiltrate a kibbutz but find themselves trapped in the children’s nursery with hostages who are less than four years...
April 7, 1980
The White City tells the story of an emotionally charged love triangle set in the hot political climate of modern Tel Aviv. A young couple take a...
Lost in the White City
Sassi is more than 20 years older than his wife Effi and is worried about his declining powers. Surgery has left him seeking treatment for impotence,...