Captain Hayes of the mighty law enforcement squad named the Texas Rangers reached the pinnacle of his career when he captured the notorious John...
Once Upon a Texas Train
On Christmas Eve 1770, a young African warrior, who three years prior had been captured and sold into slavery in America, leads a desperate group of...
Roots: The Gift
A parody of 1950s corporate/industrial films, commissioned by Universal Pictures executives after the studio's purchase by Seagrams, and featuring...
Your Studio and You
An intellectually-challenged man and woman meet, fall in love, and are determined to get married, despite the initial objections of their families...
Like Normal People
Goldie Hawn’s second TV special was in 1978, “The Goldie Hawn Special” and it was a sort of comeback for her, after she had been...
The Goldie Hawn Special
The Midnight Special Legendary Performances: More 1978