The story takes place in Japan in both 1986 and 2006. The 1986 storyline follows a gamer named Daisuke who wants to confess his feelings for Kumiko,...
GameCenter CX: The Movie - 1986 Mighty Bomb Jack
What the customer left behind in the cab is a passport that opens the door to nightmares and horror. After a collision, Nagashi Kawatome is rushed...
Spooky Taxi: Beware the Windy Night Road!
runaway girl
Yamano Yamame, an entertainer who can't sell, is unreasonably told by his seniors that he should live in the accident property because he will put it...
Stigmatized Properties
The Sunsoft games that excited our hearts in the 80's is coming back to life... One DVD and one 50-page book are included in one box. It includes...
The Game Maker: Sunsoft Edition