Aika, a college student who has returned home during summer vacation, is delighted to see Haruna, Yankee, and Nana. All four grow up in families...
Virgin Concerto
In front of a man who wants to be a movie director, Shingo, the ghost of Mr. Kawashita, who was a senior in the college film research department who...
Aoi-chan Won't Let Me Do It
Bai from Hong Kong takes a leisurely trip in Kaohsiung and meets a Japanese young man Hei there. Both are finding refuge in their own little world...
Plain Sailing
The film depicts a coming-of-age story centered on the two sugar babies, Kotone, who is unemployed, and Sakura, a college student, in the coronavirus...
During the Rains
Toko was roaming around a forest in the middle of a downpour. She wakes up in a home where four people of both genders reside together. However,...
The Rain’s Ark
Meili is an international student who finds her boyfriend cheating with her best friend; Yumeji is a photographer with a drug problem who is known...