Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making...
Nina is a 20 years old girl from Valladolid who lives with her divorced father, an autoritarian and conservative man. Trini is of the same age and...
Hi, Are You Alone?
Located in Madrid's Plaza del Sol, Km. 0 is the point from which all distances in Spain are measured from the capital. In Km. 0, it is also the...
Km. 0
Journalist Sara joins timid Victor and pregnant wife Thais, instructors Ivan and Edgar, and local kid Drui in Senegal for some underwater...
Deadly Cargo
Artist/writer/director/producer Siegfried follows a street hustler/artist Sansa who makes his way from Paris to Russia using his street smarts. Sansa...
Three stories of ordinary people intersect on Christmas Eve: a dentist desperate to find his son's toy; a writer who is not happy and decides to look...
The eight years boy Jesús has been living in a crumbling underground facility since he was born with eight survivors of an apocalyptical war:...
The Dark Hour
Students of the university of Salamanca are brutally murdered by a black masked minstrel. Alex, an architecture student who has recently moved to...
Black Serenade
A divorced man tries to win over a lesbian, his new roommate, by becoming a transvestite.
Clams and Mussels
Nico is a guitarist who , after eleven years playing from town to town , is expelled from the orchestra unable to suppress the power within. Only in...
Tengo una casa
After the failure of her marriage, Iris goes back to her hometown during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), where she becomes a war photographer.
The intensity of Ana's life, a Spanish journalist, has reached its climax. On a trip to the Amazon that begins as an investigation into deforestation...
The Four Altars
13-year-old Milio admires his older brother Luis who belongs to a drug gang in a poor Madrid suburb. But after the death of a friend and gang member,...
Just Run!
On a stormy day, Nat a Parisian woman, arrives by boat in Ibiza; invited by her childhood friend Sandra. Very quickly, she'll find herself in the...
Bluu, Last Days Of Ibiza
La cartera
A young man works in the port of Buenos Aires translating the love letters that prostitutes receive and seeks inspiration for his works in them.
Diary for a Tale
After being abandoned on New Year's Eve and discovering that their husbands have committed a robbery, three very different women choose to go to...
Three Wives
Orquesta Club Virginia