Survivor is more than the saga of a perilous journey. It's a story of a mother's bond, a species' endurance, and one extraordinary calf's...
The emotional story of a mother giraffe, Mama Twiga, and the struggles of young giraffes and gazelles as they take on the risks of growing in the...
Mama Twiga in the Garden of Eden
Zambia's Luangwa river hippos are living the easy life, or so it seems. Their life fluctuates between the serenity of sunbathing to the terrible...
Hippo Supremacy
Witness daily life for Africa’s largest reptile and one of its fiercest predators in a place few species can call home: the Nile River.
The Dark Side of Crocs
Follow the story of two mothers, a crocodile and a hippopotamus, as they face the perils of raising a family in this beautiful, remote location. of...
Crocs of Katuma
Lions rarely hunt baboons because they are hard to catch and usually not worth the risk or effort. But there is one place in Africa's Great Rift...
Monkey Hunters
In Elephants on the Run we take a close look at the elephants’ family structure, the problems they face and their determination to live.
Elephants on the Run
Nile crocodiles, one of the most impressive creatures in the world, live in groups in African rivers. Water comes and goes in the wilds of Africa and...
Dark Side of Crocs
The elephants that roam the steep slopes and high forests of Africa's Great White Mountain are under threat as more and more of the area is...
Elephants of Kilimanjaro
Short animated film about Blanca, who tries to fathom art. When a painting makes her laugh out loud, her father reprimands her: "It is not funny, it...
It's Not Funny, It's Art