Set in a small town in the backwoods of Kentucky, RED RIVER tells the tale of Roland Thatcher: a family man, a business man, a man of God...and a man...
Red River
Seeking escape from his stalled relationship and unhappy place in the world, a recently pink-slipped music teacher sets out to hike Kentucky's...
Pilgrim Song
(Long Synopsis) "When former tennis pro Owen “Game Set” Match gets fired from his cushy job instructing at the affluent Fountain Club,...
2nd Serve
When Islamic Terrorists hired by Russians set off dirty bombs around the world, a deadly virus transforms the bulk of the world's population into the...
Running from the Dead
When David Smallbone's successful music company collapses, he moves his family from Australia to the United States in search of a brighter future....
Unsung Hero
Lionel is trying to move out of the city with his grandfather. To make some extra money, Lionel decides to ride along with his cousin Eurie as he...
The Ballad of Lionel Hampton
Based on the short story 'The Reaper's Image' from bestselling author Stephen King comes a bone chilling tale about a museum curator, Johnson...
The Reaper's Image
Aspiring singer-songwriter Jed King struggles to catch a break and escape the long shadow of his father, a country music legend. After reluctantly...
The Song
In the rolling landscape of Appalachia, beauty resides within each valley and atop the crest of each hill. But under the surface of this delicate...
Mountain Mafia
The story of a suburban family that finds themselves barricaded in their house following the outbreak of the Zombie plague. Along for the ride are a...
Santa Claus Versus the Zombies
In a dystopian future where pain and emotion have been suppressed by a government-issued drug called Torpase, Joshua Barrett coasts through the...
New World Order X
An alcoholic, suicidal TV reporter investigating the staff at a notorious mental hospital discovers he may have once been a patient. When he finally...
Darkest Edge
A first person account of Ross Graves, an alcoholic drifter who is constantly hunted by demonic bounty hunters and a spiritual being to whom he sold...
Willie Norrister is the undefeated champion in the bare knuckle boxing ring. Jonathan 'Stars' Starsmore is an unlicensed doctor of a sort-- the only...
In a town immersed in Halloween traditions, a group of teens stumbles upon the Mayor's scheme to abolish the beloved holiday. With dark powers at...
The Town Without Halloween
A religious film where troubled teen with a deadly disease attempts to face his fear of death and find purpose in his life.
Jackson's Run
Every October, live entertainment creeps into every town in America. People are transformed into monsters, while others pay gladly for horrific...
Nightmare Fuel