Don Quixote, based on Miguel de Cervantes’ epic novel of the same name, regales the adventures of the eccentric nobleman Don Quixote and his...
The Royal Ballet - Don Quixote
Clara is given an enchanted Nutcracker doll on Christmas Eve. As midnight strikes, she creeps downstairs to find a magical adventure awaiting her and...
The Nutcracker
Join Clara at a delightful Christmas Eve party that becomes a magical adventure once everyone else is tucked up in bed. Marvel at the brilliance of...
RB&O Live 2024/25: The Nutcracker
Christopher Wheeldon's Within the Golden Hour is based around seven couples separating and intermingling, to music by Vivaldi and Ezio Bosso and lit...
The Royal Ballet: Within the Golden Hour / Medusa / Flight Pattern
Royal Ballet: The Nutcracker