Aakhari Decision is a Bollywood action film directed by Deepak Bandhu and starring Anant Jog, Nagesh Bhonsle, Mushtaq Khan, Navni Parihar, Amar...
Aakhari Decision
The heartwarming tale of Barfi, a charming deaf-mute young man from 1970s Darjeeling, and two unalike women who can't help but fall for him.
An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police...
The paths of a man and a woman, who have both been recently divorced from their spouses, intersect at an art exhibition in London.
Phir Se
A young woman falls in love with a handsome playboy, while aboard a Singapore to India cruise. They make plans to meet again, but fate may have other...