Ke Ghar Ke Dera is a comedy-drama film directed by Dipendra K. Khanal and written by Singhe Lama and Mahesh Dawadi. The film is produced by Sharad...
Ke Ghar Ke Dera
Two friends set out on a journey to find their long-lost childhood friend on behalf of his 84-year-old dying father. Along the journey, everyone goes...
This is a story that spans a century and portrays the life of a woman from Karnali, in a village where caste discrimination is prevalent. She suffers...
An epic journey of friendship and self-discovery set in the breathtaking Italian Alps, The Eight Mountains follows over four decades the profound,...
The Eight Mountains
Julebi is a Nepali film directed by Ganeshdev Pandey that intertwines three distinct stories centered around the complexities of sexual psychology...
Dhanapati wants to earn more money to get his daughter to a good school.
Muna and Ved make a bet which changes their lives forever.
Romeo & Muna
An excellent portrayal of a struggle of a common man to do something in our discouraging system and society. Fantastic acting from the cast and well...
About the story of a family facing a medical emergency and the bureaucratic apathy of the medical institution.