The Road from Elephant Pass is a 2008 action thriller film produced, screen played and directed by Chandran Rutnam based on the novel The Road from...
The Road from Elephant Pass
A Buddhist monk on a spiritual quest. A Student trying to test his limits. An organ dealer growing his business. A surgeon who heals by day and rapes...
Dark in the White Light
Sulanga Apa Ragena Yavi is a 2016 Sri Lankan Sinhala drama film directed by Nuwan Jayathilake and co-produced by director himself with Maya...
The Wind Beneath Us
After his wife leaves him, a man with a severe case of OCD who fears that his own urine is contaminating everything around him, admits himself to a...
Dirty, Yellow, Darkness
‘U-Turn’ follows the story of a reporter; Raveena who gets unvoluntary involved in a murder case conducted by the police as she...
U Turn