A story from the wilderness, where conditions of survival challenge the rules of modern society, Wolf is a contemporary drama set in northern...
A young writer named Espen Arnakke tells the story of his escape from the small Danish town of Jante. Espen boards a ship headed to Newfoundland, but...
Misery Harbour
One day fourteen-year-old Sophie Amundsen comes home from school to find in her mailbox two notes, with one question on each: "Who are you? and...
Sophie's World
Dunderland Valley, 1695. A young maiden is accused of witchcraft. Her persecutors end her life in the bottomless pits of the Djupkista Waters. In the...
An innocent cam session develops into a drama of life and death, and Lotte has some unexpected awakenings. Part two of a trilogy, after Transaksjoner...
A hotel roomm tells its story: people passing through, drama, a bank robbery, loneliness and death.
The Hotel Room
A Persian refugee comes to Norway seeking asylum, and winds up at a quirky, secluded academy where he must pass a series of tests in order to stay.
House of Norway
In the arctic, as Saiva is being born, a shaman declares that she is evil and will bring harm to all who become involved with her. Saiva is cast out...
Far North
Oslo in beautiful autumn. Ingvild is a stage manager at the National Theatre, and trying to make a life change, with her artistic ambitions. Not...
Autumn Fall
Religious and cultural reawakening inspires rebellion in a 19th century Norwegian village.
The Kautokeino Rebellion