Plot Unknown
The Original Gangster
"KL Gangster" tells the tale of two brothers who get involved in the world of gangsterism. The older brother Malek (Aaron Aziz) was imprisoned for...
KL Gangster
Aku Bukan Tomboy" is a story of a tomboy (Scha Alya) who was raised by her single-parent father after the loss of her mother when she was just a...
Aku Bukan Tomboy
The charmed story of two teenage Amy (Salina Saibi) and Tasha (Nabila Huda) with no education and family background is perfect. Amy and Tasha choose...
Bohsia: Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam
story of a bohsia's life, played by Nabila Huda. Tasha (Nabila Huda) is a girl who grew up without a family and education, forcing her to seek refuge...
Bohsia 2: Jalan Kembali
Ex-gangsters Aman and Adam are both determined to change their ways after being released from five years in prison. Their first task is to take care...
Gangster Celop
Sam and Mun work with their mother, Mama San as poultry suppliers at the market. However, Sam and Mun's habit of stealing constantly brings trouble...
O.M.K (Oh Mak Kau!)
Two brothers, Malek and Jai, are indirectly thrust headlong into the world of gangsters and crime when their father died 10 years ago. Since their...
KL Gangster 2
Zack and Sham are two youngsters who love drift racing. Even though drift racing is usually seen as a male pursuit, Zack’s girlfriend enters...
Evolution of KL Drift
Racing life between Zack and Sham has not ended yet. Zack is no longer an illegal racer – now he is a professional drifter. Meanwhile, after...
Evolution of KL Drift 2
"Gila-Gila Pengantin Popular" tells the story of a young man named Zul who is engaged to Fatima. While they are planning their wedding, Fatima is...
Gila-gila Pengantin Popular
"Balistik" tells the story of Saga, a hired killer and mafia gang member. His high risk life forces Saga his wife Salina to leave him and their son....
Zizan Razak plays Abang Long Fadil, a man who constantly dreams that his life is that of a gangster. But when his best friend, Malik goes to prison,...
Big Brother Fadil
"Khurafat" begins with Johan, a young man working as an assistant in a government hospital. He is a married man who has a wife named Aishah. The...
The film follows the journey of fellow "mat moto", also known as bikers, who share the same interest in motorsport. On a journey across Malaysia, the...
Mat Moto: Kami Mat Moto Bukan Mat Rempit
Adam is a Muslim medical practitioner who is unable to accept the fact that his wife is no longer in this world. When he agrees to treat a woman...
Aiman, who deals with never-ending problems starts to wonder the judgment given by God which brings him to stuck in another dimension leading him...
A story about Fadil who fall into mafia world led by Taji Samprit and his son Wak Doyok. An incident causes Inspector Wahab and Inspector Shuib to...
Abang Long Fadil 2
Tells a story about a group of special unit force led by Roslan, who has been trying to bring down a robbery gang led by a guy named Asyraff.
KL Special Force
Mahathir is an ordinary person from outward, belonging to a lower middle class family. But the fire inside him to become a millionaire makes him...
Makrifat Cinta
Sam wants to live a normal happy life with his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife Lisa. However, Lisa is desired by many, among which includes a mentally...
Saya Amat Mencintaimu
Ustaz Adam has to help a friend whose village is corrupted by a group of misguided religionists lead by a sinister sorcerer. To make matter worse,...
Munafik 2
A man and his wife attempt to escape from an extremist Islamic cult known as the Khawarij, led by his own father, the village chief. They are haunted...