Nagy, a quiet dreamer, embarks on a surprising journey discovering life, love, and human relationships when an unplanned encounter with Salma prompts...
Farq Khebra
Desperate to escape his dead-end life in Egypt and find a way to Europe, security guard Hassan devises a bold scheme: he pretends to be blind to join...
Voy! Voy! Voy!
When a private family event is leaked on social media, Ibrahim decides to move to a village with his wife and children, far from people and the...
El Ruby House
Upcoming Egyptian Movie
Shams El Zanaty
The film tackles pressures that are placed upon is in life by telling the story of a businessman who falls in love with a girl, when his life reaches...
Fadel and Naema are an innocent couple that run a food truck business. The events revolve around Fadel, as he goes through many comic situations...
Fadel and Neama
Over the course of one night, the journalist Omar embarks on a risky adventure in order to save himself and his friends.
Hazak Al Youm
A young man returns home hoping to sell his late father's soccer club and cash in — only to find he must first overhaul the comically abysmal...
El Matareed
A romantic comedy about a couple who encounter many problems, until a portal opens by chance that leads them to parallel worlds.
A Break of Happy Moments
Sico Sico
Stupid livelihood