Monji has earned the title of second generation boss of the Black Black Black Skull Gang. He promised Takumi to conquer the country with the Black...
A Live Action Performance was done based on the first part of the anime up until Raimon beat Teikoku for the first time. The plot of the Live Action...
Inazuma Eleven: Live Action
The invincible Yanki (Japanese delinquent), Monji Mori, leader of the Black Skull Gang, has been released from juvenile prison. Meanwhile, other...
High school Yanki (Japanese delinquent) boss, Monji Mori, decides to make his mark at Kabukicho, infamous for organized crimes, as his first step in...
Monji Mori receives a sudden goodbye letter from his friend Rei. As the Black Skull Gang continues to pursue national conquest, they meet Manta, a...
With Monji’s graduation approaching quickly, he gets into trouble with his teacher, Mr. Anan about his attitude. While everyone else thinks...
A blackmail sent to the police containing a video showing the letters "VF" in flame. "VF" means to battle with the card game "Vanguard", in other...
Cardfight!! Vanguard Movie: The Three Games
In the third grade of high school, Mari who is a manager of football club prays to god to captain of the team, Hiroya Takagi can score a goal on a...
10 Years Love
Hideo Aiba (Atsuji Ninomiya) is a reserved and obedient high school student, who has never had any girlfriend. He spends all his energy on...