Three cousins were set in a magical location in southern Brazil, known as Cerro Jarau. They grew up under the influence of the legend...
Cerro do Jarau
Netto e o Domador de Cavalos
Leonardo, an upper-middle class boy from the south of Rio de Janeiro, befriends Kiko, a boy who lives on the street and who juggles balls at a...
No Meio da Rua
Boca de Ouro
Riding High is a psychological thriller about a crime that has become common in today’s Rio de Janeiro. The film takes us into the most...
Riding High
Contos de Lygia e Morte
The story of how D. Pedro I proclaimed the Brazilian independence on September 7th, 1822, and rose from prince of Portugal to first emperor of Brazil.
Independência ou Morte
Por Um Fio