Martillo, tells the story of Pablo’s sexual awakening, a student at a boys' school where Sister Edwin teaches discipline with an iron hand. At...
After suffering the recent loss of his wife, David Reynolds decides to take his family on a cathartic trip to her home village in Columbia. While en...
The Damned
Three friends, actresses from Colombia, Venezuela and Cuba, first met while acting in a soap opera. Years later, they meet again for vacation in a...
Alborada Carmesí
Teresa is an artificial intelligence device that comes from the United States to Colombia to be tested in a real world and with a very particular...
Teresa's Trip
Emilia is a 30-something bisexual who refuses to grow up like the rest of her friends.
Second Star on the Right
A story as told by an aborted child who's now 14 years old, involving his mother, three teenagers (two twin brothers and their cousin) that make a...
El Colombian Dream