Wealthy sportsman James Haggin (Walter Pidgeon) lives on a Quebec estate called Wintapi. Émile Fornet (Émile Genest), handler of...
Big Red
The conflicts between Jean, a penniless painter, and his brother Luc, a successful lawyer. Adapted from a novel by Réal Giguère, which...
Caïn - Les marcheurs de la nuit
An efficiency expert is called in to downsize a trucking company and the employees fight to establish a union to save their jobs.
Washed Hands
Les 90 Jours
After hearing that a famous actress is dying in a hospital after being hit by a car, a reporter goes to the hospital to interview the actress. She...
Whispering City
A priest and nun, haunted by physical longings, leave their respective callings. Even after their desires are fulfilled they experience crisis of...
Virgin Lovers