Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and...
In 1932, a series of strange murders occurred in the city of Beihai. During the investigation by police detective Long Cong, he found that the...
The Great Illusionist 2
In 1937, eight hundred Chinese soldiers fight under siege from a warehouse in the middle of the Shanghai battlefield, completely surrounded by the...
The Eight Hundred
Wolves Action 2
A Group of biologists go on a rescue mission to Hell Island, but they find themselves threatened by giant crocodiles - and a mega crocodile - and...
Mega Crocodile
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, opium was packaged by British merchants as "Fu Shou Ointment" and sold to China, and countless people suffered...
Destruction of Opium at Humen
The film tells the story of the Northeast Street Fighter A Neng who lives in Hong Kong. He was interrogated by the police as soon as he sneaked...
Kowloon Walled City
Set in 1920s Shanghai, Ma Zouri and Xiang Feitian establish a notorious beauty pageant called the Flowers Competition. All of the city's elite attend...
Gone with the Bullets
The first homosexual love story themed movie to receive approval for theatrical release in China. The film follows the initial meeting of, and the...
Looking for Rohmer
Coming back to her broken family, pregnant writer Huang Xiaoyu and her French husband, Benjamin, finds herself trapped between her cult brainwashed...
A Dog Barking at the Moon