Kinara (Clarice Cutie), a class X high school student, dreams of becoming a skilled dancer like her mother. Meanwhile, her mother, Diah (Lilis...
Tari Kematian
The story begins with a newly married couple, Bima and Kanaya who occupy an auction house. Kanaya finds many strange events, events that lead to an...
Getting lost in the Forbidden Forest frustrated Intan and her 4 friends and they chose to separate from each other from the group. Their choice to...
Diwe: Hutan Larangan
Wuri's death forced Aryan, Wuri's brother, to return to his hometown in Kulong Parigi. Nara, Wuri's friend and Aryan's girlfriend, accompanied by...
Mencadin: Dendam Pocong
With a cultural background of Bangka Belitung and the nuances of Eid al-Fitr, this film tells the story of a romantic romantic religious drama about...
7 Purnama di Satu Syawal