The heroine, Peggy Cameron, is a high-society debutante with a mind of her own. After making a public spectacle of herself once too often, Peggy is...
The story is set in Alaska, where spoiled and pampered heiress Octavia Van Ness has come for her health. Here she meets 'Chuck' Hemingway, who...
The Iron Strain
Jean, a wealthy young Canadian back from a trip to Europe, meets and falls for Carmen, a pretty young Spanish girl. They marry and have a daughter,...
A Wise Fool
Socially prominent but penniless Stephen De Koven marries Muriel Chester, a woman whose loveliness he admires but whose money he really desires....
Life's Twist
Prudence Cole is an unsophisticated Quaker girl being raised by her two aunts. Prudence is flirted with by snobbish Henry Garrison, who actually...
Beauty's Worth
When the man calling himself Everard Dominey returns home, his loved ones recognize that something about him is different. But with Europe racing...
The Great Impersonation
Mistaken for a famous jockey, a young man uses it to his advantage -- until he actually has to race a horse.
The Hottentot
A European royal couple come to New York to sell some of the royal family's crown jewels. A gang of international jewel thieves is planning to steal...
Rubber Heels
Freddy Wetherill and his bride, Hyla, quarrel at her mother's beach cottage, and Hyla sends her new husband home alone. Seeking distraction from his...
The Galloping Fish