Maria, an unconventional single mother, finds herself torn between two men, the successful shrink Fredrik and the 22-year-old paraglider Jonas. This...
Maria's Men
Ida and Mathias is a very "normal" couple. Her architect, he was a kind of production manager. They have two children, is still horny on each other....
Mars & Venus
A story about five people who became friends as adults. They are all in the their early 40s and struggle to find meaning in their lives. They haven't...
Når i går blir i dag og i morgen
A woman, Selma, almost 40 years old, figures that she has not achieved what she wanted in life and wonders "what now?"
The supermarket clown Ulrik is dreaming of becoming a stand-up comedian, the handicapped Amnesty girl Kristin is in love with Alexander, but does not...
5 Lies
On 22 July 2011, neo-Nazi terrorist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 young people attending a Labour Party Youth Camp on Utøya Island...
22 July