The story begins with a regular Joe who tries desperately to seek employment, but embarks on a violent rampage when he teams up with cult leader...
These zombies are a human-like race created by Satan. When the "zombie-looking freaks" begin taking over the world, dirty cops Jeff and Cage find...
HECKLER is a comedic feature documentary exploring the increasingly critical world we live in. After starring in a film that was critically bashed,...
A series of comedic sketches.
German Fried Movie
An action comedy centered on Blubberella, an overweight half-vampire woman whose footsteps cause explosions and whose dual swords are used against...
Auschwitz is a hard-hitting war film which shows life as it really was at the death camp.
A small film team visits infamous movie director Uwe Boll for one day.
Visiting Uwe
Widely recognized as the planet's worst film director, Uwe Boll embarks on a quest to conquer Hollywood and take vengeance upon the film fanatics...
Raging Boll
A bacteriological weapon developed by the US Government to create a super soldier - spreads an epidemic in a quiet little town in the middle of...
Zombie Massacre
The sound of flapping bat wings, an empty coffin, glistening fangs, tiny punctures on the neck, the sensual taste of blood, a blank reflection, fear...
Bloodsucking Cinema
Feature length documentary about the infamous video game franchise 'Postal' by Running with Scissors. Exploring the company's history and possible...
Going Postal: The Legacy Foretold
On behalf of a multinational company, a production assistant drives around the Romanian city of Bucharest, interviewing various citizens who have...
Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World
Prestonburg, KY is a small blue-collar town with hunting, fishing, coal mining, and two of the biggest names in online horror talk radio: Wes Vance...
Into the Pit: The Shocking Story of
A man takes over a TV station and holds a number of hostages as a political platform to awaken humanity, instead of money.
Rampage: Capital Punishment
Based on the true story of Max Schmeling. A national hero in the 1930's when he became World heavyweight champion. He lost favour with the Nazi...
Max Schmeling
The film's 'hero' likes scary movies, has obsessive fantasies about death and murder, and has a slightly disturbing fascination with serial killers.
Bill Williamson is back, alive and well and doing a recon mission around D.C. This time he wants to cause a major population disruption within the...
Rampage: President Down
ABCs of Superheroes brings you not only one or two or five, but no less than twenty-six of the most heroic and outrageous Superheroes and...
ABCs of Superheroes
Before there were home video formats and the internet, the “Bahnhofskinos” (“Train station cinemas”) in West Germany...
Cinema Perverso
Follow the owners of the infamous "Maison de la petite mort" during their daily work. After the shocking events in part one, you'll never guess what...
La Petite Mort 2: Nasty Tapes
Is Uwe Boll really the worst filmmaker of all time?
The Real Uwe Boll
Forest Scientist Sonia is thrown between an international mafia gang and multinational energy enterprises as she secretly conducts research in a...
Mission NinetyTwo: Part II - Energy
Honing his craft as an indie filmmaker in Germany in the early 90s, Uwe Boll never could have imagined the life that lay before him. From working...
F. You All: The Uwe Boll Story
Following five years in the life and career of independent filmmaker Justin McConnell, this documentary explores the struggles of financing,...
Clapboard Jungle: Surviving the Independent Film Business
Tim Sander goes to Hollywood
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