A successful stage director plans to put on an outdoor production of a previously unknown play by a famous writer, but is haunted by his past in the...
Felix Langus is increasingly obsessed with the idea of communicating with supernatural forces, which warn him of the great peril of danger. Attacks...
The Case of Felix Langus or How to Seize Freedom
A scandal breaks out in a small town just big enough to have a local newspaper.
One Day of Truth
The story about a class of star-boys who travel with their research spaceship to "Outdoor School" to see life on Earth. Since they wear "snurke" - a...
Maya and the Starboy
Three years later, Tomaz meets Milena in Ljubljana where she practices dancing. In order to spend more time with her, Tomaz enrolls at the dance club...
A Summer in a Sea Shell 2
Peklenski načrt is a Slovenian Fiction TV Film. Featuring Andrej Miljković, Katarina Čas, Maja Medvešek. It is defined as a...
The Infernal Plan
A young boy is on vacation at the beach with his family. He becomes bored and wanders onto the set of a television production about pirates aboard a...
A Real Pirate
A story about old people, the members of the secret society called Goethe, who feed on the energy of young men whose corpses are hidden in their...
The Jailers
This film takes place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matic lives in a large neighborhood of concrete blocks of flats with his mother. As his...
Hang on, Doggy
In 1940, shortly before the outbreak of war, a young boy Marjan lives a carefree life with his gang in Ljubljana, experiencing all the problems of...
Veronica is a high school student studying to be a glazier, although she dreams of being a theatre actress. The only thing that she finds joy in at...
What a Sun
By a twist of fate, Damjan is mistaken for a murderer who was prowling the streets of Ljubljana in the same neighbourhood. Because of his naive,...
Someone Else
Milan, a successful company director, is replaced, and he decides to find out why.
Our Man
Short by Grzinic + Smid.
On the Flies of the Market Place
Two girls who study theatre & drama and their friend photographer decide to rob a bank, using all sorts of their creative force and imagination to...