The story of a group of Rembetes, singers and musicians of the Greek equivalent to the blues, in the early decades of the 20th century, seen through...
Panos Pampanos has a double life. For Thalia, the daughter of his best friend and his protege, is a moral man of strict principles. But, he is...
A Crazy Party Animal
Paul is an unmarried middle-aged man who runs an insurance company in which his employee, Manolis Petichakis, presents his sister Eve for the post of...
I have you behind me, Satan
A young man pushed beyond his endurance remembers his life on the roof of a tall building. He's there to commit suicide.
Yes, But...
The true story of Nikos Koemtzis, a man who stabbed three men to death in 1973 Athens for disrespecting his brother Demos' zeibekiko, a traditional...
Andreas Tependris, the director of a mannequin school, meets again with an old friend who has returned from America. He proposes to get him a partner...
Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης
Manolios decides to quit working on a ship and return to Crete so he can marry his beloved one, Lenio.
Έμπαινε Μανωλιό
Lawyer Orestis Lambiris and his family are spending the summer at their cottage by the sea.
Θύελλα Στο Σπίτι Των Ανέμων
A forgotten satirical (and occasionally dark) comedy about sex life in the Greek countryside.
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια
Michalis and Filippos work in a garage and dream of the good life. One day, they decide to take the car of a businessman, Aristeidis, who is away in...
If I Were Rich
Θηλυκό θηριοτροφείο
Το Δίδυμο της Συμφοράς
Ο Μανωλιός στην Ευρώπη
Ο Μανωλιός ξαναχτυπά