This action comedy is based on The New York City Cab Driver's Joke Book by Jim Pietsch and centers on a painfully shy cab driver who discovers that...
Comic Cabby
In his twilight, a lonely gay man reflects on his life and the three loves of his long-lost youth one woman and two men. Forced into early retirement...
An Empty Bed
When a young boy makes a wish at a carnival machine to be big—he wakes up the following morning to find that it has been granted and his body...
This brutally honest comedy depicts the Jewish-Italian wedding reception of Lisa Weinstein (Deborah Gibson), as guests can't help but notice the...
My X-Girlfriend's Wedding Reception
1921 New York. An immigrant woman is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville until a dazzling magician tries to save her and reunite her with...
The Immigrant
Karl has a childlike innocence and naive purity. In spite of making false friends and enemies, he retains his decency in New York which remains a...
A Licensed Liberty