Upon suddenly losing his fortune, the young Count Berner sets out for New York to try his luck there. With his winning nature and great drive, he...
The Modern Girl
A mischievous witch uses her dark magic on an innocent cyclist until he is all confused. He is forced to pedal backwards and at the same time, his...
The Witch and the Cyclist
Money trouble forces Henry de Santos to marry the bankier's daughter, Rosa, even though his heart belongs to the flower girl, Carmian. He cares for...
Two People
Præsten på Snarø, Adam Valerius, er enkemand på tredje år, og frøkenerne i sognet står i kø for at...
Strejken paa den gamle Fabrik
André is a young attorney who has opened his own office in Paris without any success. One day he finds a will in an old book in an antique...
When Roses Bloom
The scene is set on a castle in the mid-18th century. The princess loves a young man from the court, but the king wants her married to an older,...
The Rose
A lazy , bibulous tramp is admitted to the hospital by mistake. Even though he is forced to obey new rules like showering and drinking milk instead...
Paradise for the Lazy