The film "Rock Beyond" is dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and Sergei Kuryokhin, who became the Main Heroes of Russian rock in the...
Rock Beyond
Film about Mitki - a creative group of St. Petersburg artists, writers and musicians who joined them, - went on a trip to Europe.
Mitki in Europe, Yolly-pally
A young Surrealist artist arrives in Leningrad to enter the Academy of Arts. In search of like-minded people, he goes around the city, gets to know...
The rat lives in a cage that stands in the room of a large communal apartment in which the poet lives. The apartment is in the house; House - in the...
Concert For A Rat
Chapaev Chapaev
When night falls on St. Petersburg, there comes a time when it seems that everything freezes. The past, the present and the future exist...
White Nights
Almanac of five short stories commissioned by ROSKOMKINO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema.
The Arrival of a Train
11-year old Sashka is spending his summer at his grandma's together with his elder brother, and they both happen to fall for the same girl.
One Summer