Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns...
When a family faces loneliness and loss of faith, Mrs. Miracle swoops in to renew their Christmas Spirit, and they experience a holiday of heavenly...
Debbie Macomber's A Mrs. Miracle Christmas
After serving 6 years for a crime he didn't commit, Shane Daniels is released from jail with an apology from the State of Arizona. Within hours of...
A Dangerous Man
When Romy and Rick’s parents surprise them with the news that they will be closing the Chinese restaurant they have owned and operated for...
Christmas at the Golden Dragon
A tradition in Asian cultures when a baby turns 100 days old, family and friends celebrate over a banquet style dinner welcoming the baby into the...
100 Days
Five young adults are about to find themselves in a fight for their lives, pitted against evil itself! While on vacation in a foreign city, one of...
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