This eye-opening film tells the incredible, little-known tale of three Nottingham Forest football players, Viv Anderson, Garry Birtles and Tony...
Local Heroes
Documentary following the history making Nottingham Forest football team led by Brian Clough and Peter Taylor that won back to back European cups.
I Believe in Miracles
'Barnes: Poetry in Motion' tells the story of one of football's most iconic figures, John Barnes, starting from his arrival in England from Jamaica...
John Barnes: Poetry in Motion
Kicking off a football-themed triple bill, John Barnes and others celebrate the contribution made by Black players to British football.
Black Flash: A Century of Black Footballers in Britain
Manchester United Football Club started life as Newton Heath, a team founded by workers from the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in 1878. Recounting...
Manchester United: The Official History 1878-2002
Documentary covering the trailblazing career and tragically short life of Laurie Cunningham, the English football star of the '70s and '80s.
First Among Equals: The Laurie Cunningham Story