Lee (Ng Cho-fan), who is the retired jewel thief the Black Cat Burglar, is suspected by the police in a string of burglaries. While fleeing from the...
Black Cat, the Cat Burglar
Chan Siu-hung is forced to become a prostitute, with the police following hot on her heels. Ching Chi-ko comes to her defence by claiming to be her...
The Seventh Heaven
Showing off his love of visual aesthetics as a painter, director Dan Duyu combines elegance, exoticism and oddity into a grand big-budget package...
New Arabian Nights
The Ten Brothers return as the Lake Devil is plagued by a monster fish. To settle the old score, Marshal asks Shrimpy and his ten sons to exterminate...
The Ten Brothers Vs. the Sea Monster
A sick king instructs his loyal minister Luo Zhengqing to guide and install the crown prince as king after his death. However, the minister of the...
Lady Robin Hood