The story follows an estranged father, nicknamed Reindeer, who is involved in a gruelling human trafficking run on China’s northeaster border...
Family At Large
Flowers from the Ashes
Tells the family story of an 85-year-old mother taking care of her 65-year-old daughter with Alzheimer's disease, using a delicate female perspective...
Song of Spring
When a woman chances upon a ticket to an exclusive concert, she realizes the man who gave it to her may be the key to her life’s happiness. But...
Somewhere Winter
This film tells the life course of a pair of sisters from strangers to acquaintances, from resistance to help, shows the hard work of contemporary...
Girls on the Wire
The violent mother left a long-term psychological shadow on the girl, and even after her mother passed away, she couldn't let go for a long time. One...
Questions to Heaven
Have you ever felt incredibly alone in the world? Have you ever suspected that everything around you is unreal? Ah Zhi is a strange young man who...
The Boy Who Counted Cars
Madame Tang colludes and mediates between the government and the private businesses for the benefits of her all-female family. One case does not go...
The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful
In a small seaside town, two schoolgirls are assaulted by a middle-aged man in a motel. Mia, a teenager who was working on reception that night, is...
Angels Wear White
When a professional thief sees his lifetime goal of being the best potentially realized in stealing a rare artifact, he finds himself entangled in a...
For a Few Bullets
A group of people that disappear after a mysterious light falls upon the city, leaving the survivors to try and unravel the mystery.
Gone with the Light
Different styles of dining can also be portrayed as different types of life. Restaurant hostess, Liu Fen-Fang, prepares a feast for the new opening...
Taste of Life
The Embers