After inheriting a casino from his dead uncle, Matthew Dragna, his girl friend J.J. (Robin Sydney) and a group of friends take a road trip to the...
Dead Man's Hand
In the year 20XX, mysterious meteors bombard the Earth and usher in an age of horrific beasts known as 'ANOROC', hunting and killing humans for their...
A self-conscience co-ed anguishes over whether to get out of her comfort zone by stripping naked and joining other students in a run across campus.
An eight-year-old girl tries to build a relationship with her absent father through a class-assigned family tree.
A Different Tree
The announcement of a wedding should be cause for celebration, but for the friends of newly engaged soap opera star Julia Baskin and ad exec Graham...
Pieces of Eight
Peter's view of the world changes when he receives life altering news. Feeling his humanity like never before, Peter sets out on a journey of self...