Based on real-life events, Girl In the Closet tells the story of 10 year old Cameron, who, after her mother suffered an aneurysm, was adopted by her...
Girl in the Closet
Michael manages to free himself from Laurie Strode's trap to resume his ritual bloodbath. As she fights for her life from injuries from their last...
Halloween Kills
Misfit co-workers find a tote full of money belonging to misfit thugs.
Big Money
A New York family moves to a quiet estate for a fresh start. When they arrive at their beautiful property they soon realize something is watching...
The Sins Beneath
After losing her job, a single mom falls into a lucrative but ultimately dangerous scheme selling prescription drugs.
Pain Hustlers
A supernatural stalker pursues a super model to steal her soul with his demonic camera.
Rural Sheriff’s Deputy, Sgt. Brown responds to a call and finds himself in the middle of an ongoing exorcism. Brown must make the decision to...
Midnight Shift