After the founding of the kingdom, Emperor Ancestor named eighteen meritorious officials as the "Dragon Guardians", whose title has been inherited...
Clan of Dragon Guardians
Crybaby in the Garage
Lin Chong: Wind and Snow Mountain Shrine
When a high-powered tech executive Zhou Mo disappears in a foreign city, the secret security agency GWS is dispatched on a dangerous search and...
Action Team Overlord Flower
During the reign of Guangxu, the country was weakening and foreign troubles were becoming more and more urgent. The uprising was crushed by the old...
Clutch Time
Deep in My Heart
Running Buddies
A world-class hitman ends up swapping identities with a down-to-luck extra actor during an accident.
The Wedding Wreckers
The Perfect Suspect
Four royal guards on their journey to solve the disappearance of the princess. (Tencent)
Clan of Dragon Guardians: FIve-Tone Magic Song
Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, in the world of martial arts, a story of conspiracies, love and powers unravels. The White Haired Witch (The...
The Wolf Witch