During the war in Afghanistan a Soviet tank crew commanded by a tyrannical officer find themselves lost and in a struggle against a band of...
The Beast of War
Ran returns to the kibbutz where he grew up to visit his father, who recently suffered a heart attack. Ever since Ran became fervently religious, the...
Shmaya (Shuli Rand), a small-time magician whose career consists of gigs at local venues in the north of Israel, meets Oshra (Ronit Elkabetz) at one...
The Appointed
A dramatic presentation of the Bible from (New Media Bible), and producer John Heyman. spoken word-for-word from the King James Version by the...
The New Media Bible: The Gospel According to St. Luke
An American ambassador to Israel tries to bring peace to the Middle East conflict through unconventional methods, but his efforts are hampered at...
The Ambassador
An impossible love story - Huda, an Israeli Arab, and Alex, recently immigrated to Israel, overcome all difficulties.
A Trumpet in the Wadi
After their caravan is attacked and their respective families butchered by Arab marauders, teenagers David and Sarah flee across the desert. But the...