A show called "10 Most Terrifying Things in History that Really Happened" is struck with fear during a live broadcast on an infamous cursed house...
Dark Tales of Japan - Special Edition: 10 Most Terrifying Things in History that Really Happened
After terminally ill Bussan finally passes away he misses hanging out with his still living friends and decides to return to Kisarazu. In his ghost...
Kisarazu Cat's Eye: World Series
When Bussan learns he has less than a year to live, he decides to continue his life as usual. He spends his time with his friends, a band called...
Kisarazu Cat's Eye: Nihon Series
Akira was a sax player in New York, but retired from it because of his wife's sudden death. One day, Akira Agawa met Yui Uehara, a young woman who...
Last Love
Prison Girl