Here is the long-awaited stage adaptation of Atlus' super popular young adult RPG series, Persona! In order to fulfill the "rehabilitation" imposed...
PERSONA5 the Stage
A youth drama based on the first Yankee novel by Fuyuki Shindo, starring Hiromi Sakimoto, who is popular as a member of the Hexagon family. Aiming to...
PERSONA5 the Stage #2
PERSONA5 the Stage #3
PERSONA5 the Stage #4 FINAL
It’s been roughly one year since Chuuya Nakahara joined the Port Mafia, and he’s determined to become an executive before fellow mafioso...
Bungo Stray Dogs on Stage: STORM BRINGER
The second installment of the Demon Slayer stage adaptations; it ran from August 7th-August 31st 2021 in Tokyo and Osaka.
Stage Play "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" 2 - Kizuna
The official stage play adaptation of Koyoharu Gotoge's series Kimetsu no Yaiba. The time is Taisho, Japan. One day, Tanjiro, a kind-hearted boy who...
Stage Play "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba"
Touken Ranbu Stage Play
Touken Ranbu: The Stage - Tenden: Aozora no Tsuwamono -Siege of Osaka Winter Campaign-
A live action re-imagining of Touken Ranbu
Touken Ranbu: The Stage - Kyo-den: Moyuru Honnōji ~Saien~
Ultra Musical Bakumatsu Rock Climax Live
This time, the strongest enemy Perry Jr. from the rock's home market Meriken will come by Kurofune! "New" character! "New" song! "New" story! The...
Ultra Musical Bakumatsu Rock Kurobune Raikou
A revamped version of the original Bakumatsu Rock musical.
Ultra★Ultra Musical Bakumatsu Rock
Bakumatsu Kitan Shinsen5 Ni: Fuun Iga Goe