The story started when Hero, who was originally from the city, moved to Xingfuyuan orphanage in the countryside. He befriends the quirky Ah Feng, who...
Small Town Heroes
Le and Yuan are music-loving brothers who do everything together. One night, they break into a school to play on an expensive piano. Unfortunately,...
In My Heart
Set in a baby hatch where dedicated female social workers provide a safe haven for distressed women and vulnerable infants.
Pavane For An Infant
A group of friends working as house cleaners are doing their jobs in an old bungalow. Later they find out that the bungalow is inhabited by a spirit...
Cheongsam Merah Darah
Hua Ge, who has been addicted to heroin for thirty years, successfully quits drugs and sets up a farm on a mountain, which takes in young drug...
The Paradise
The Incident, a short film shot on vivo X60 Pro and directed by Golden Horse Award, Chong Keat Aun, wishes to bring hope and heartwarming moments for...
The Incident
Struggling for years, 55 year old Andy finally claim herself as woman, despite it was just partially completed. Andy’s dream come true, but she...
Miss Andy
Ling needs a kidney. She crosses the 1056 metres long causeway from Malaysia to Singapore to see her younger brother who now lives there to seek this...
1056 Metres