Haji is an actor on the cusp of turning 40, who has gotten stuck in life. At the invitation of an old friend, he visits his hometown for the first...
Top model Lilico, having recently undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries, begins to experience troubling side effects. As she desperately tries to...
Helter Skelter
For 60 years, the group of detectives known as "Detective Office 5" has raised the bar for detective work. The agents of Detective Office 5 are a...
The Code
A Professional sniper, Ryo has executed so many missions with his partner, Narushima. But Ryo is caught in between a multitude of emotions, when he...
Yoko and Hanayo fell in love while working together as manga artist at their university newspaper. The intensity of their affair was such that for...
Natural Woman 2010
Saibanchou! Koko wa choueki 4-nen de dousuka