A journey into the dark side of gangsterism and drugs. The movie begins with a young Castello growing up surrounded by criminal activities in Sungai...
Set during the confrontation between the Japanese Army and the Communist Party of Malaya in the year 1944. Four friends - Ahmad, Osman , Puteh and...
Episode 1: Su is on her way home from university. There is another young woman (Fadilah) on the bus. An eerie feeling accompanies Lina on the bus. ...
"KL Gangster" tells the tale of two brothers who get involved in the world of gangsterism. The older brother Malek (Aaron Aziz) was imprisoned for...
KL Gangster
Two brothers, Malek and Jai, are indirectly thrust headlong into the world of gangsters and crime when their father died 10 years ago. Since their...
KL Gangster 2
Amir, Rosham and Megat are best friends and each of them has big dreams. But things turn upside down when one of them finds a jewelry box that...
Lu Mafia Gua Gangster
The evil Professor Klon is back… This time, not only to overthrow the Government and become the President of Metrofulus, but also to control...
Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam
An amusing story about Wak and his friends who plan to rob a pawnshop when the owner, Tauke Wong, refuses to allow Wak to redeem his grandmother's...
Baik Punya Cilok