When they discover their town lacks funding for a sewage system, but does have a federal grant to make a movie, a group of villagers decide to make a...
Basic Sanitation, the Movie
Trampolim do Forte
In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before...
The Machine
The musician and writer of the comic book "Ghost with Heart of Stone" Eduardo meets the gorgeous Laura, who is engaged and close to her marriage, in...
Stay with Me Tonight
For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where...
A Grande Família: O Filme
Clumsy old lady Dina Rocha lives with her son Marcelo. After a series of incidents at home, she moves to her house in Santa Teresa. She meets her...
A Guerra dos Rocha
Police officer Jorge Capitão is a competent BOP captain and a Brazilian idol. But after he saved Argentina's greatest ace from a kidnapping,...
Elite Cup
About the life and adventures of a gang of abandoned street kids known as "Capitães da Areia" (Captains of the Sands), in Salvador, Bahia,...
Captains of the Sands
A woman leaves her career in dancing to dedicate her life to her husband, a famous politician. Fifteen years after, she leaves her luxurious life to...
Uma Loucura de Mulher
Juca Valente owns a kiosk on the coast of São Paulo and just wants to have fun. An eternal flirt, he hates big responsibilities and doesn't...
Não se Aceitam Devoluções
Augusto is the chef of a fine restaurant, established for years, which is down due to the success of a former pupil, Patrick, who works in a food...
Gosto se Discute
This beloved Brazilian parody of Shakespeare in Love tells the story of Miguel's relentless furiculite. For better or worse, it is his aim to conquer...
Miguel's Destiny